Privacy Policy / Cookies Policy

Privacy notice

Last updated September 2023

How we use your personal information

This privacy notice explains how Heroes Workshop use and look after your personal information. This includes what you tell us about yourself, what we learn by having you as a customer, and your marketing choices. This notice also tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

This privacy notice will apply to you if you are or have been a customer of Heroes Workshop. If your personal information has been provided to Heroes Workshop, but you are not a customer, it may also apply to you.
For example, if you have applied for a product or raised a complaint with us.

There are a range of different products and services throughout Heroes Workshop. Each one may have different requirements for the collection and use of your personal information. For this reason, some sections of this notice do not apply to all Heroes Workshop products and services.

Our Privacy Promise

We promise:

  • To keep your personal information safe and private.
  • Not to sell your personal information.
  • To give you ways to manage and review your marketing choices at any time.

    Cookies policy

    About Cookies

    Cookies are small text files that can be used by web sites, like to make a user's experience more efficient and to help you access our site faster and more efficiently.

    When you visit a site that uses cookies for the first time, one is downloaded onto your device. When you next visit the site, your device then checks to see if it has a cookie from that website and sends the information from the cookie to the website, the website then ’knows’ that you have been there before.

    When created, cookies normally don't contain any personal information. They don't scan your computer or do any kind of investigation to find out your personal information. Any personal information they might contain is a result of your own input on a website's form. When a cookie does store personal information, this information is coded in such a way that it is unreadable to any third party who happens to access your cookie folder. The only computer that can read and decode the information is the server that created the cookie in the first place.

    In addition to encrypting any information stored in cookies, some websites add extra layers of security to browsers' cookie handling processes: store only anonymous but unique content on local cookies; or store personal information on the website's server and make it accessible only by matching with it the anonymous cookie stored on your computer.

    Cookies enable us to identify when you are logged in to our site and the device you are using. We only use cookies that are strictly necessary to provide you with certain features and for you to move around our site.
    Some of our cookies are used to enhance the functionality of our website by storing your preferences, for example. We also use cookies to help us to improve the performance of our website to provide you with a better user experience.

    Heroes Workshop does not sell any information collected by our cookies, nor do we disclose the information to third parties unless requested to by law.

    Please read this information carefully. For further information, please visit Please be aware that declining or denying cookies may prevent you from being able to use the site to its highest capability.